How to become an intern i Denmark

Welcome to Spiras! Our employees at Spiras HR speak and understand English, Portuguese, Spanish, Ukrainian, Romanian, Italian and German. We are happy to take your call!

Working in Denmark

A working stay in Danish agriculture will equip you significantly and give you a unique knowledge within modern and efficient farming. Denmark is a pioneer in many respects, especially regarding animal welfare, high efficiency, high level of management and so on.

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Rekruttering af udenlandsk arbejdskraft
Rekruttering - Danmark

Moving to Denmark

Moving to a new country can be overwhelming. There are many things to consider and questions that arise; from getting a working permit, opening a bank account, doing your taxes right, how to get a social security number and yellow insurance card. The list goes on.

We are here to help! On this page you will find the answers to the most important and frequent questions about moving to – and living in – Denmark.


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Spiras HR & Arbejdsgiverservice

Social security number (CPR)

If you are planning to stay in Denmark for more than 3 months, you can apply for a social security number (CPR) and a health card. With this you can get an MitID, open a bank account and much more.

Where can you register?

At the international Citizen service (ICS) in Aalborg, Aarhus, Odense and Copenhagen or at the local municipal Citizen Service (Danish: Borgerservice).

Rekruttering af udenlandske medarbejdere

MitID & digital mail

MitID is a secure log on to different internet services as well as secure payment on the internet.

You can use it to log on to your E-Boks, which is a digital mailbox in which you will receive mail from public authorities (about tax, pension etc.)

You can apply for your MitID at your local municipal Citizen Service Center.

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Rekruttering af udenlandske medarbejdere

Tax registration

When you work in Denmark you are obligated to pay income taxes.

To do this, you will need a tax card. We can help you getting settled and ensuring that you get the right tax card, use the right forms, and fill in the right information (e.g., regarding your preliminary income assessment).

At Spiras HR we are more than happy to help you, should you have any questions in regard to your taxes, your pay slip or other tax-related issues.


No matter how long you are planning to stay in Denmark (more or less than 3 months), it is a good idea to open a Danish bank account. Opening a bank account in Denmark is somewhat straight forward. All you need is a Social Security ID (CPR), a photo ID, proof of address in Denmark, and an employment contract.

We recommend opening a so called ‘easy account’ (Danish: Nemkonto). Here payments from your employer and the state (e.g., tax refunds) are made.

Language and learning

Danes generally speak and understand English very well. However, learning Danish is highly recommended as many Danish employers, especially farmers, require employees to speak and have a basic understanding of Danish.

At Spiras we offer courses in Farm Life were you can improve your Danish and gain further understanding of the workplace and routines.

We also offer courses in medicine handling, castration and much more.

Go to Spiras Academy

Social life

Danes are said to be informal, unassuming, humorous, and cheerful. A widely known aspect of Danish culture is “hygge”, which entail feeling snug and cozy, having a good time and enjoying the little things.

Danes are generally social people, but they might take a little while to warm up. They like hanging with friends and will rarely say no to a beer or two.

Safety first

In Denmark we practice a high standard of GDPR and protection of personal data. Therefore, we urge you to send your personal information to us ONLY by mail.

Personal information entail things such as

  • Your social security number
  • Pictures of your passport
  • Your drivers license

Send the required and requested information by mail to the recruitment or HR-consultant you are in contact with or to our company mail at

Rekruttering af udenlandske medarbejdere


Olesya Yermolenko

Team manager, recruitment

Sara Macedo

HR- & recruitment consultant

Frida Søllingvraa

HR- & recruitment consultant

Dennis Calender

Gitte Wadskjær

HR- & recruitment consultant